Birthday Giveaway: Part Two!!

sprinklebday (3)It’s time for the second part of our birthday-inspired giveaway!  As you possibly already know, I’ve paired up with my new blogging bud,  Ashley, from for a two-part giveaway!  The other week Ashley posted an INTERVIEW of me over on her space, and now I get to do the same!  A few months back, I stumbled upon TheWineStain. I fell in love with the content, especially Ashley’s witty writing style, like these Bachelorette Predictions and I could relate to her search for a fulfilling life and the interesting struggles that both graduate school and living life as a 20-something bring.

Without further ado…

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This past May you blogged about changes that were happening with your blog (e.g. Recently you went from a blogging duo, to blogging solo), What does this mean for your readers?  What can we expect to find on your blog?  You’ve also mentioned that you are in the “experimental phase.”  I feel like I’m right there with you, but can you elaborate on what this means for you exactly?

When The Wine Stain was a twosome it had this balance and diversity of content that I loved. Kier was the earthy wellness guru and I was the sassy feminist. We were very different in some ways, but very much alike in other ways. Thus, when she left (her work schedule is crazy!) a very important perspective left. So, I’m here thinking, “Shit, what is this blog all about now?” The other day WordPress informed me that I had registered 4 years ago. I wish I could say I ran the same blog for 4 years, but I just left a trail of half-assed blogs. I’m trying to find my voice, “my thing,” my place in the world, And, I think my blog will reflect that. I think I’m a very reflective and intelligent…hot mess. And, for the first time, I’m embracing my sassiness. What can you expect from my blog? Reflections on introvertedness, social commentary on pop culture and history, witty rants, personal thoughts and feelings, and well…change.

You are currently a PhD student in Rhetoric and Writing, care to break down what that means?  What are some goals (either professional or otherwise) that you have for yourself?  Or some exciting things that you have planned for your future?

The field of Rhetoric and Writing (or Rhetoric and Composition) is a field that focuses on how we teach writing in universities, how language shapes our understanding of the world, how people communicate, and so much more. I study feminist research methods and the history of writing and technology (specifically typography). My dissertation is (probably) on an alternative history of grammar via typography history. Hope that makes sense?

A year from now, pretend you are looking back and celebrating a successful year…. what do you hope to be celebrating? Or what would be your definition of a “successful” year?

I would celebrate my graduation from the PhD program. I HOPE. I will maybe be a homeowner (or renter). I’ll be celebrating the fact that I have a dishwasher. I will be celebrating A/C. I will be celebrating a new job. Shit, I have a lot to do this year.

My fellow Gemini friend, it is also your birthday! What are your birthday plans?

I am having a small cookout with my family and friends. I have tried to plan parties the last 5 years of my life and it has always failed miserably.

Lastly, what are some random fun facts?

  • Every time a television program is buffering, I sing “BUFFERING” to the tune of Night Ranger’s “Sister Christian.”
  • I was voted “Most Likely to be a Stand Up Comedian” in high school.
  • I am usually reading 10 books at once, because I get distracted easily.
  • I have to sleep with one leg outside the sheets.

Want to know more about Ashley?

Check out her About page!

Giveaway: Part Two!

For the extremely simple rules for the second part of  our giveaway check out Ashley’s “w(h)ine & cheese” inspired post:  It’s My Giveaway, I Can Cry If I Want To.    She’s giving away a super cute handmade cheese tray and a Target Gift Card (the perfect amount for a bottle of wine, naturally).

All The Best,

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